in Kerry I was . . . .

[One is not supposed to start with “I”, but  this time i allow myself  to break that rule as “WE” no longer exists]

“I ” was in Kerry,

We” were in Kerry countless times.

 “We” knew about the wide open space

We” wandered the stretches of beach

 “We” camped in desolate corners

  “We” cut our skin on  marram grass

 “We” were surprised by sudden rain from the ocean

 “We” lost ourselves on  Conor Pass

 “We” picknicked on Inch Strand

We” stood on Dingle beach and cast……

“I” was in Kerry,

this bank holiday “I” was in Kerry

and i fell in love with Ireland all over again

4 thoughts on “in Kerry I was . . . .

  1. Tommie

    Great way to return and so glad to see you back.

    From Brendan Kennelly’s “I am Kerry”

    “Ah! I should have put a noose about the throat of time
    And choked the passing of the hobnailed years
    And stayed young always shouting in the hills
    Where life held only fairy fears”

    More fears now but we are all there to do what ever we can!



    1. aafke Post author

      “……’Twas thus I lived skin to skin with the earth
      Elbowed by the hills, drenched by the billows…..”



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